W307 final exam

Establishing clear command and support relationships is fundamental to organizing for an operation. These relationships establish _____________________.
clear responsibilities and authorities.

Which of the following identifies the purposes of the attachments to the OPORD?
They are used to increase the base orders clarity.

You need to keep plans and orders simple and direct in order to accomplish what?
Reduce misunderstanding and confusion.

Scheme of movement and maneuver is a subparagraph of which of the following paragraphs headings?

Operations orders and plans follow the ___________________ format that includes a heading, body, and an ending.        Standardized

Which of the following describes the political operational variable?
Distribution of responsibility and power at all levels of governance

What are the six mission variables?
Mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, civil considerations

Which of the following mission variables includes the influence of manmade infrastructure, public institutions, and activities of organizations?

Civil considerations