Final exam Module 3

The Serious Incident Report (SIR) system provides which of the following agencies with early notice to the possibility or occurrence of a serious incident?
Headquarters, Department of the Army

The reporting of war crimes falls under which reportable serious incident category?
Category 1

Which of the following is a summary document that provides information on collective training objectives, related individual training objectives, resource requirements, and applicable evaluation procedures for a type of organization?
Training and evaluation outline

The process of building a unit’s capability to conduct full spectrum operations over time describes which of the following?

The long-range training plan covers which of the following for ARFORGEN units?
The period leading up to at least one readiness aim point

The use of effective training to challenge leaders and organizations with uncertain conditions is a tenet of which principle of training? 
Train as you fight

Direct observation, assessment, and honest feedback are tenets of which of the following leader-development principles?
 Take responsibility for developing subordinate leaders

Which of the following is a responsibility of the unit ammunition detail?
Ensure ammunition is broken down properly.

Who is responsible for the overall operation of the range before, during, and after live firing?

Ensuring that firers enter and exit the firing line at the entry or exit point is an example of which of the following?  
Range safety program protocols

A combination of combat and operational stressors will produce which of the following?

Which stress-reduction program includes trust and confidence in its foundation?

Leadership, plans, training

Which of the following statements defines posttraumatic events (PTEs)?

An event which causes an individual or group to experience intense feelings of terror, horror, helplessness, and/or hopelessness

What are the two levels of the Army maintenance system?  
Field and sustainment

The ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish the mission, and continue to fight and win defines which of the following?
Physical readiness

Precision, progression, and integration are the components of which of the following?
The principles of exercise

Which of the following publications provides the training and leader development methodology that forms the foundation for developing competent and confident Soldiers?  Fm 7-0

Which of the following identifies the purpose of the toughening phase of PRT?      
Develop foundational fitness and fundamental movement skills.

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