
When conducting a risk assessment for the convoy escort, some of the factors are detainee status, force protection and. 
Resource Requirements

When evaluating a route, a major area of concern is the
Location of friendlies

When preparing a detainee move, what factor should be considered in the guard-to-detainee ratio?
Nature of detainees

What stops may occur in local friendly towns, at allied forward operating bases or in safe locations secured by friendly forces?
Planned stop

What measure is used if a detainee has to be unrestrained?
Place appropriate guards for monitoring and restrain detainee as soon as possible.

The best way to avoid detainee interaction with local populations is to 
detainees using tarps or window coverings and maintain strict OPSEC.

One of the items that is on the detainee manifest is  

Under what conditions would detainees be daisy chained?
When ordered by higher command

When is the only reason detainees should be blindfolded?

While your Soldiers are guarding detainees, you must ensure that they remain vigilant. You do this by ensuring they: 
maintain weapon control and muzzle awareness, maintain detainee silence and segregation, restrain the detainees appropriately and check restraints periodically.

How many times does a guard shout “HALT” before they open fire on an escaping detainee? 

Who do you report an unplanned stop to? 
Your commander

When conducting a risk assessment for the convoy escort, some of the factors are detainee status, force protection and  
Resource Requirements.

What is the final step in supervising the escort of detainees? 
Notify higher headquarters of detainee transfers.

Under what conditions would detainees be daisy chained?
When ordered by higher command.

When is the only reason detainees should be blindfolded? 

When preparing a detainee move, what factor should be considered in the guard-to-detainee ratio
? Nature of the detainees

What is the primary objective of any counterinsurgency (COIN) operation?
To foster development of effective governance by a legitimate government

Which principal of COIN operations identifies the need to learn the language and culture of the people?
Understand the environment

According to FM 3-24, which statement below best describes the historical principle of COIN, "Insurgents must be isolated from their cause and support" Select the best answer? 
It is easier to separate an insurgency from its resources and let it die than to kill every insurgent.

Which COIN imperative requires leaders to decide if the HN police are competent and impartial before allowing them to conduct operations?
Use the appropriate level of force

Which COIN imperative emphasizes mission command through decentralized COIN operations? Empower the lowest levels

Which COIN imperative uses economic and political progress as a tool to show the population that life is getting better? 
Manage information and expectations

Which of the following best identifies the intent of the paradox, "The host nation doing something tolerably is normally better than us doing it well"?  
At times we can help too much and cripple a nation

What is the intent of the paradox, "The more you protect your force, the less secure you may be"? Select the best answer. 
Soldiers must interact with the people to get the intelligence they need

What is the intent behind the paradox, "Some of the best weapons for counterinsurgents is do not shoot"? Select the best answer. 
Restoring a vibrant economy, hope, and political participation is more powerful than bullets

According to FM 3-24.2, what are the five root causes of an insurgency?
Occupation or exploitation, corruption or repression, religion, identity, economic failure

protracted popular war

Which leadership tenet focuses on applying different solutions for different contexts and the ability to perceive?
   Be culturally and self-aware

Which leadership tenet focuses on setting an example and serving as the moral compass for the local population?  
Exercise a leadership role in their AO

What is the best way to train and educate Soldiers for COIN operations? Select the best answer. Prepare Soldiers to deal with the unexpected and unknown


  1. DD 2745 - Capture Tag
    DA4137 - Evidence / Property Custody Document
    DD 2708 - Receipt for Pre-Trial /Post-Trial Prisoner of Detained Person

  2. Match the method of transportation with the corresponding description:

    Wheeled Vehicle - Most Reliable
    Foot - Most Vulnerable
    Rail - industrialized
    Air - requires additional training

  3. Match the components and manifestations

    Strengths - Provide a base to analyze the specific insurgent threat
    Tactics - Include the attempt to achieve political goals with or without the use of force
    Vulnerabilities Targeted and exploited to gain the advantage and enhance effectiveness
    Elements - The five groups of people that form the insurgency's organization
    Dynamics - The eight categories that define an insurgency

  4. which manifestation component is broken down into urban, military focused, protracted popular war, identity-focused, conspiratorial, and composite and coalition? strategy
